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Colonel's Leadership Council offers a series of services designed to build better leaders and more cohesive teams. We customize all of our services according to each client’s requirements, as every team we work with is made up of a unique group of people with specific personalities, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Whatever your team’s situation may be, CLC can help your athletes become “that much better” through the practice of improved leadership and team cohesion. Our aim is to support your team or educational organization with focused energy revolving to its culture, its leadership, and foundation of high character.

"CLC is a must have for any athletic team, business or large group that is interested in maximizing the journey as they head toward a successful destination. Life lessons, leadership, and character development create the framework of Dean's message. Dean's gift is his ability to not only lead but to give you the tools you need to lead your own group."
-- PJ Mehigan | Health/PE Teacher | Cherokee HS --
"Colonel DiSibio has assisted our players to make significant advances in the area of leadership. Our girls became more positive-minded which allowed them to communicate better on and off of the field. This was crucial for us due to our main leadership coming from those who were underclassmen. We hope to build on this mental aspect of the game as we know our kids have the physical abilities."
-- Megan Boland | Girls Soccer Coach | Cherokee HS --
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